outstanding care
We work extremely hard at the Playroom because each of us want to do the best we can for the children in our care and their parents who entrust their little one to us. We strive to create a supportive, inclusive, happy working environment, where staff are truly valued as individuals. We have an excellent reputation for caring for our team and many staff have worked for us for a considerable time.
We provide:
- Excellent salaries.
- Additional holiday allowances to reward long service.
- Staff uniform to encourage group identity as teamwork is extremely important.
- Treats and rewards.
- Staff pension scheme.
- Opportunities for staff development and growth.
- Training in areas such as:
- Safeguarding children and young people.
- First aid.
- Food hygiene.
- Child behaviour.
- Forest School learning.
- Working with babies.
- Child with additional needs.

All employees have been thoroughly DBS checked and come with at least two previous employer references.

Call us to talk things over
The Playroom Nursery, 70 Musters Road,
West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 7PR
Telephone: 0115 9811168 or 07536-391561
Email: info@playroomnursery.com
Opening Hours: M-F: 6.30am - 7.00pm
Visit www.wboosc.com for continuing care as your child grows older